West End Church of Christ      

328 S West End Blvd
Cape Girardeau MO 63701


New Testament Leadership: Christ is the head of the church (Col. 1:18). A “thus saith the Lord” is the authoritative basis for our religious worship and practice (Col. 3:17). The New Testament Church was meant to be organized according to the apostles’ doctrinal direction (“set in order,” Titus 1:5; Acts 2:42). This included the structure of an eldership (presbuterion); deacons, working in close connection with the elders (Phil. 1:1); and, an evangelist (s) (Acts 21:8; Eph. 4:11). The original apostles and prophets provided a confirmation of the gospel message by means of the miraculous (Heb. 2:3-4). But, once the apostles had died, the ability to apostolically transfer the miraculous also ceased (Acts 8:18). The apostles’ word remains the true basis for biblical belief and unity today (John 17:20-21).

Our Elders

Mark McAllister

Mark McAllister

Mark’s education includes a Masters Degree in Science. He has served as an Elder of the Cape congregation since 1998.

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Chris White

Our Deacons 
Deacon Jerry Keele

Jerry Keele

Jerry is a CPA in the Cape community.  He serves as our church treasurer.  His responsibilities include the production of monthly financial reports.
Deacon Barney Hartline

Barney Hartline

Barney owns and operates a long-time successful hardware business in Cape Girardeau.  He directs our church educational program.
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Rick Potter


Our Minister

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  Jared Scaggs